(Tests: 1-3)

By Special Request for Jan Stevens, Editor, Deep Politics Quarterly
Test 1 - a voice stress analysis test was conducted by a Mr. Eric Buesing of Santa Ana, CA. Mr. Buesing was recommended to us by the inventor of Voice Stress Analysis who is retired and living in Florida. Mr. Buesing brought a very fancy and expensive computer VSA system and set it up. The test was given in 1994 in Burbank, California in a private office setting. No one was allowed in the room except a cameraman and producer. The entire test was videotaped. I was asked to leave the room, in fact, I left the building for we did not want ANY influence whatsoever on Mr. Buesing. The test lasted several hours. When Mr. Buesing exited the room and went outside for a breather, I was standing there and spoke to him. He told me that Files displayed about an 80% accuracy factor. In the letter he wrote regarding Files' VSA test, he gave Files a 70% truth factor. I will be glad to post Mr. Buesing's written opinion if anyone should desire to see it.
Test 2: a voice stress analysis test conducted by me, Bob Vernon, using a $1200 VSA that belonged to Joe West. This machine, smaller than Mr. Buesing's computer, was calibrated and "patched" into a line coming directly from the audio track on the James Files confession. Every syllable of every word was analyzed. The results bore an 86% truth factor when averaged out. Please understand that I am not an expert on VSA. I merely calibrated the machine as the instructions presented and when it was set, I rolled the tape straight through from top to bottom. I did go back and re-test certain phrases.
Test 1 and Test 2 indicate an average of 78% truth factor, however, I would put more faith in Mr. Buesing's test for he is a recognized VSA expert. I am not.
Test 3 was completed in late 1997 or early 1998 by an Australian scientist (I guess you would call him that) who has been recommended for the Nobel Prize. I have a copy of his preliminary report which states that he believes Files is telling the truth in some places and embellishing in other places. VSA expert Buesing also feels this same way.
The tester has requested a longer piece of audio tape so that he may conduct a more in-depth analysis and I have provided him with same. His final formal results will be posted when I receive them.
SPECIAL NOTE: While we have requested that Mr. Files take a polygraph test, his Mafia lawyers have refused to allow him to do so.
For folks interested in learning about Voice Stress Analysis, please visit the following links: