Recently we were contacted
by two college post-graduate students from Denmark who were in the
process of doing a research report for their class. They asked for
permission to use information from JFK MURDER SOLVED and from many
other top-notch web sites pertaining to the JFK assassination. We
are now posting their final report for all to see, with their permission.
It is an interesting indication of how the rest of the world truly
looks at the public execution of John F. Kennedy.
The students received
an A+ for their investigative efforts.
Congratulations to
Thomas and Christian!
We are also sending
your report to United States Attorney General Janet Reno.

By: Thomas Kincade &
Christian Østerballe
From: Frederikshavn Technical
College 3.G, Denmark
Date: Friday 2nd
October 1998
Supervisor: Jørn
We would like to encourage
all readers of this report to have one thing in mind while reading;
We think that most of the material that we have examined for this report,
has left us back with even more questions than when we started. Therefore
we want to make it perfectly clear that we will not be held responsible
for what is written in this report as we do not think that the material
used is 100% reliable. This is because our mainsource is the Internet
and anything there might be altered, modified or changed in some other
way by who ever might desire that. It is of course unfortunate that
we have to take this precaution but we do not want anyone on our backs
just because of a college report. A last remark is that whenever the
word "we" occur we mean us, ourselves, the authors and not the general
public of America or Denmark.

"If we cannot have
the truth once and for all about the government's murder of John Kennedy,
if the warfare interests in our government are so powerful that they
cannot be questioned about such things, then let us have an end to the
pretense that this is a government of the people."
~ New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison ~
November 22nd
1963. Dallas, Texas. 12:30 PM. The motorcade turns from Houston Street
into Elm Street. The cortege with President John F. Kennedy slows down
to approximately 10 mph as it turns. Everything seems okay. No one is
yelling angrily at the President although he isn't too popular in this
part of the country... Someone starts throwing firecrackers. The Secret
Service agents start to look a little worried. Suddenly a very loud
noise is heard. It was a rifle shot! The motorcade quickly speeds up
and heads straight for the Parkland Memorial Hospital. The President
is missing a large piece of his brain and scull and in top of that he
has a wound in the throat. The doctors couldn't find a heartbeat, but
he was still trying to breathe through the hole in his neck.
At 13:00 President John
Fitzgerald Kennedy was pronounced dead...
On the 25th of
November 1963 President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was buried.

was President Kennedy as politician?
When Kennedy was elected
president it was the smallest victory ever in American politics. Kennedy
won by as little as about 100,000 votes over Richard M. Nixon. He was
a politician who didn't like to settle with a compromise. He fought
for Negroes and it was probably the Black community that gave Kennedy
the victory.
"The mind and spirit
that I possess will be devoted to the cause of freedom around the world!"
John F. Kennedy, 1960
In his book "Profiles in
Courage" from 1956 he uses John Quincy Adams from Massachusetts as a
role model. Like Adams Kennedy wanted to do something for his country
by becoming a politician. They both didn't like the way things were
run in the Government. Quote: "�Our Government is simply a collection
of dishonest opinions: If you vote for me, I'll vote for you!" Unquote.
It was things like these that made Kennedy want to change the system.
And he succeeded but only for a short period of time. He met a lot of
resistance from a lot of different departments in the White House. Especially
the departments that dealt with foreign affairs were very dishonest
towards JFK. They were also very annoyed by this young punk that came
in from the street and wanted to change everything. Still he kept on
fighting for what he believed in.
"I believe in human
dignity as the source of national purpose, in human liberty as the source
of national action, in the human heart as the source of national compassion,
and in the human mind as the source of our invention and our ideas.
It is, I believe, the faith in our fellow citizens as individuals and
as people that lies at the heart of the liberal faith. For liberalism
is not so much a party creed or set of fixed platform promises as it
is an attitude of mind and heart, a faith in man's ability through the
experiences of his reason and judgment to increase for himself and his
fellow men the amount of justice and freedom and brotherhood which all
human life deserves."
John Fitzgerald Kennedy's
political credo
did anyone want President Kennedy dead?
Here's a list of the people/organisations
that we could imagine as taking part in a conspiracy against John Kennedy:
The American
Military Industry Complex
As JFK was sworn in as President
he promised the US population that he would work for peace and freedom
all over the world. USA was already involved in the Vietnam War at the
time JFK took over the presidency. American troops had been stationed
in South Vietnam since 1954 when the American Army invaded Vietnam in
order to stop the war between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. Just
as Kennedy had promised he immediately started to bring peace to the
world. He tried to get a regulative through in Congress that would give
Kennedy the power to withdraw troops from the Vietnam scenario. This
made him very unpopular with the American weapons manufacturers, Bell
Helicopters and General Dynamics because this would mean gigantic losses
of profit. By the start of 1963 the Vietnam War started to get really
bloody once again. This meant that the Military Industry Complex had
the possibility to earn even more money but they would fail if Kennedy
got what he wanted.
The US Department of Defence
had an annual budget of more than 190 billion dollars during wartime.
This of course meant that the weapons manufacturers were interested
in US involvement in a war. Then more war the more money they would
Angry Southern
Kennedy also wanted to make
America a better place for everybody. This also meant the Afro-Americans.
Ever since before the American Civil War (1860) the population in the
Southern states has considered the Afro-Americans as slaves. Even though
the South lost the Civil War they still considered the Negroes as lesser
humans a hundred years later. If Kennedy could force the equal rights
through a lot of people would get very angry. A lot of people wouldn't
like to admit that they are racists but it still doesn't take very much
to get an American angry if a non-Caucasian kills someone. That is why
organisations like Ku Klux Klan and American Libaralists fight against
everyone who isn't white. For some JFK might have been the straw that
broke the camel's back�
The Mafia
Kennedy also promised that
he would fight crime that was a fast growing business at that time.
Of course this meant that the people who were actively involved in organised
crime started to consider JFK as a new threat towards their activities.
Not only the military industry thrives on war. The Mafia, especially
in Chicago, had at the time a lot of money invested in tools of war
and weapons. They probably still have because they make a lot of money
using violence and threats
Another point could be that
Kennedy's younger brother Robert Kennedy was a prosecutor. He had specialised
in organised crime. He tried very hard to get rid of the organised gangs
all over USA. In order to warn the American Government the Mafia could
have had the brother of their biggest problem murdered. This might stop
him from continuing his work.
Fidel Castro
and the Oil Barons
Castro was in the beginning
thought to be the man behind the murder. Kennedy had banned all trading
with or on Cuba. This was done because Castro's soldiers were systematically
destroying all American oilrigs, refineries and factories. This hurt
the oil barons because they weren't able to negotiate with Castro. In
the end the barons would lose millions of dollars and because they weren't
receiving any form of compensation they couldn't cover their losses.
This made the barons angry and they knew that the vice-president Lyndon
B. Johnson was more aggressive towards Cuba. This must be considered
as a very powerful motive.
Right from the beginning
of Kennedy's presidential period he got into conflict with the CIA.
Kennedy blamed them for holding out on him. He wasn't properly informed
of important overseas issues such as the Cuba crisis involving the Russian
nuclear missiles etc. One of the big turning points in the relationship
between Kennedy and CIA was the invasion of the Bay of Pigs in 1961.
CIA supported Anti-Castro soldiers that tried to invade Cuba in order
to kill Castro. Kennedy took the full official responsibility of the
disaster but in private he told his family and friends that the CIA
forced him to do so. In fact the CIA tried to force him into sending
American planes as airsupport for the Anti-Castro-soldiers that tried
to invade Cuba. Kennedy refused and instead he fired Allen W. Dulles,
Cabell and Bissell, the top directors of the CIA.
Satellite pictures of Cuba
showed nuclear missiles. It was clear that Russia had gained permission
to place the missiles on Cuba in order to prevent a US invasion of the
island. Kennedy ordered battle ships to the area because more Russian
missiles were en route to Cuba by ships. Things really got hot right
until the ships turned back in the last moment. Kennedy was believed
to have arranged a secret deal with Russian Minister of Foreign affairs
Khrusjtjov. The Russians removed the missiles from Cuba and in return
Kennedy promised that the American forces wouldn't invade. Some people
then thought that Kennedy had sympathy for the Communists.
It was said that Kennedy
tried to close down CIA because of all the pressure that they put on
him. Nor did Kennedy approve of the methods used by the Agency's agents.
He thought that a lot of the missions carried out by those same agents
weren't always properly planned. Instead Kennedy wanted to assign all
responsibility of paramilitary operations during peacetime to the Joint
Chiefs of Staff. In spite of Kennedy's efforts his proposal was turned
down because of bureaucratic resistance on Capitol Hill.
CIA has to be considered
as a very powerful opponent that can do just about everything they please.
The people within the CIA think of the next employed as a brother or
sister. It is so to speak a very tight net of agents, directors and
office workers. They could easily have used one of their top marksmen
or simply put out a contract on his head. And it would be a very easy
task for them to find a scapegoat.
FBI isn't thought to be
the assassin. If they were involved they probably would act more like
the cleaning team, making sure that the truth isn't uncovered. FBI is
responsible for the welfare of the nation and should have been aware
of the threat against the president. They probably were but for some
not yet known reasons they didn't do anything about it.
"To sin by silence
when we should protest makes cowards out of men."
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
We have been visiting a
lot of Web pages to gather as precise information as possible about
this specific happening. But actually it has made us more and more confused
the more pages we have visited. We depend on some of the pages to be
more reliable than others though, and therefore it of course varies
how much attention has been paid to the pages. All in all we believe
that the assassination was made by a conspiracy and the following
parts might be a bit influenced by this although we will try to consider
the things with all points of views in mind. Finally a brief overview
of what happened:
11.35 Air
Force One lands at Love Field, Dallas, Texas. Aboard are J.F. Kennedy
and his wife Jacqueline Kennedy
11.56 The
motorcade leaves Love Field. Limousine carries the President and First
Lady, along with the Governor of Texas, John B. Connally and his wife.
Vice president Lyndon B. Johnson and "Lady Bird" Johnson ride in the
car behind.
12.29 The
motorcade passes Texas School Book Depository Building leading into
the Dealey Plaza on the way to lunch and a political rally.
12.30 JFK
shot. Governor Connally seriously wounded. Panic breaks out in Dealey
12.33 Lee
Harvey Oswald leaves Texas School Book Depository Building.
12.38 J.F.
Kennedy and Governor Connally admitted to Parkland Hospital.
13.00 J.F.
Kennedy pronounced dead
13.15 Officer
Tippet of the Dallas Police Force murdered by a lone gunman later said
to have been Oswald.
13.50 Oswald
seized after a scuffle in a Texas Theatre cinema.
The arrival
A couple of days before
the arrival of President Kennedy, the motorcade route was announced
in the media. The route was decided on November 18th and
was published the next day. That means that the route was known to the
public three days before the actual arrival. Some people think that
this was to make it easier for the assassins to plan their individual
positions and that the whole thing was the CIA's work. But one also
has to keep in mind that Kennedy was rather unpopular in Dallas. Therefore
it might as well have been to inform his supporters about where to get
a good view of their President. Another thing to keep in mind is that
only one month earlier of the visit of Kennedy, another "important man"
had been to Dallas. The United Nations Ambassador Adlai Stevenson was
mildly assaulted during his visit there and Dallas was said to be "a
hostile city". Considering this one must agree that there wasn't really
much attention paid to security and protection on the day of President
Kennedy's visit. Neither the police, the military nor the Secret Service
was at maximum strength and able to secure a safe route for the Presidents
Houston Street
As the motorcade turns on
to Houston the next suspicions begin to occur. Some say that if there
was just a single gunman he would have fired his rifle at this moment.
The argument for this is that he would have the best shot here, with
the target moving in an almost straight line towards him. The reason
he didn't fire was that he waited for a triangular crossfire to become
possible, as this would surely increase the chance of killing the President.
The people that support the anti-conspiracy theories say that he did
not fire because the shot on Elm Street would be optimal for a sniper,
as the target is moving in a direct line and away from the shooter.
Based on different sources
it is actually possible to put names on all of the assassins in Dealey
Plaza that is of course if there was more than one. "The Patsy" Lee
Harvey Oswald is by a large majority said to be one of the killers,
although we don't see why so many people are more sure of him than of
the others. Oswald was situated in the Texas School Book Depository
using a Mannlicher-Carcano (middle picture on figure) rifle with a telescopic
sight (bottom picture on figure) as his weapon. Another sniper was placed
in the Dal-Tex building his name was Charles Nicoletti. Nicoletti was
the right hand of the Mafia boss in the area. He was carrying some sort
of rifle as well but we are not sure of which type. Probably his weapon
was mounted with some sort of scope as well. The last assassin was hiding
behind a fence on the grassy knoll. His name was James E. Files and
he was working for Mr. Nicoletti. Files had chosen a gun called a Fireball
as his weapon for the job. As with the other arms this one was equipped
with yet another scope.
these three assassins were able to make the crossfire later known as
"The Death Zone". A zone that would prove fatal for John Fitzgerald